
From seeds to seedlings Learn more about From seeds to seedlings

  • The latest planting methods of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

    The latest planting methods of sweet-scented osmanthus seeds

    How to plant sweet osmanthus seeds? Sweet-scented osmanthus seeds are drupes, long oval, angled, and generally mature from April to May. When mature, the outer bark changes from green to purplish black and falls off from the tree. Seeds can be picked from trees or picked on the ground.

    2020-11-10 The latest sweet-scented osmanthus seeds planting methods how
  • The method of sowing and raising seedlings of Cymbidium

    The method of sowing and raising seedlings of Cymbidium

    It takes 8 to 10 months from flowering and fruiting to seed maturity. Its sign is that the skin of the fruit has gradually changed from green to red or brownish red, when the seeds in the fruit have also matured and should be harvested in time. Seed selection is carried out while peeling seeds, and it is found that stunted or shriveled seeds should be eliminated.

  • Seedling raising technique of Gleditsia sinensis seed

    Seedling raising technique of Gleditsia sinensis seed

    The seed coat of Zaojiao seed is dense and hard, and the water permeability is poor, so it is difficult to obtain satisfactory results by using conventional seedling raising technique. even if the seed quality is very good, the emergence rate is very low, lack of seedlings and broken ridges are uneven, and even some seeds.

  • How to plant prickly ash seeds? Sowing methods of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Seeds and key points of Seedling Management

    How to plant prickly ash seeds? Sowing methods of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Seeds and key points of Seedling Management

    Zanthoxylum bungeanum, also known as Zanthoxylum bungeanum, etc., are deciduous shrubs or small trees of the genus Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Rutaceae, widely distributed in China, from the south of northeast, south to the north slope of Wuling, southeast to the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, southwest to the southeast of Xizang, and not produced in Taiwan, Hainan and Guangdong.

  • Why is Angelica bolting ahead of time?

    Why is Angelica bolting ahead of time?

    Why is Angelica bolting ahead of time? Please introduce the reasons 1, the reason for early bolting of Angelica 1.1 the seeds are too full, or the seedlings are raised with seeds (commonly known as gunpowder seeds, [flower] seeds or fire seeds), which are easy to bolt in advance after transplanting. According to the experience of drug farmers, Angelica sinensis requires seeds.

  • Planting methods of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

    Planting methods of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

    Planting methods of Osmanthus fragrans Seeds

  • How to collect seeds of pepper of rutaceae? How to store? How to raise seedlings?

    How to collect seeds of pepper of rutaceae? How to store? How to raise seedlings?

    Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds rich in oil, collection and storage requirements are more strict, once the oil, embryo abortion, can not be normal seedlings, therefore, to seedling seeds, from the collection of seeds must have strict requirements. How do you collect pepper seeds? How to store? I.

    2020-11-09 "Rutaceae " Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed how collected stored
  • Container Seedling technique of Taxus mairei

    Container Seedling technique of Taxus mairei

    Taxus is an evergreen tree of Taxus, belonging to the national Ⅰ class key protected plant, is a species left over from Quaternary glacier, known as the "living fossil" of the plant kingdom, is a rare and endangered plant in the world, is not only an important timber species, ornamental tree species, but also a precious medicinal plant, branches, leaves, roots, bark can be extracted anti-cancer drug-paclitaxel, has great promotion and utilization value. Taxus can be propagated by cuttage or seed. Because of the uneven distribution of resources and the difficulty of scion collection, seed propagation is often used. Conventional seedling raising

  • Whether home gardening should sow seeds or buy seedlings to plant, so the analysis will have the answer.

    Whether home gardening should sow seeds or buy seedlings to plant, so the analysis will have the answer.

    Choose seeds or seedlings most of the time, home gardening or balcony planting starts with a single seed. But now, as household planting becomes more and more popular, horticultural centers and mail-order companies can also supply large quantities of seeds and.

  • Technical specification for transplanting and raising seedlings of rice printing and sowing large and strong seedlings

    Technical specification for transplanting and raising seedlings of rice printing and sowing large and strong seedlings

    Technical regulations of Rice Printing and sowing large and strong Seedling Machine transplanting Seedling raising Fund Project Jiangsu Province key Research and Development Program (Modern Agriculture) key Project (BE2015340-7); Jiangsu Province Agricultural Independent Innovation Fund Major Agricultural issues Project (cx (15.

  • Explanation on the main points of sowing and Seedling raising and seed Collection of Peony

    Explanation on the main points of sowing and Seedling raising and seed Collection of Peony

    What are the main points of sowing and seed collection of peony? The sowing and breeding of tree peony includes timely sowing, seed treatment, whole bed planting, seedling management, seedling transplanting, selection and collection of seed fields. on the whole, the method of cultivation and propagation of tree peony is quite simple. Please take a look at the main points of tree peony sowing, seedling and seed collection arranged in the following article.

  • Key points of raising seedlings of celery

    Key points of raising seedlings of celery

    Key points of celery seedling raising techniques celery can be cultivated all the year round, and the time and methods of raising seedlings vary with the time and methods of cultivation. 1. Cultivation and seedling raising in spring (1) seed treatment. 5-6 days before sowing and 1-2 days before sowing. When drying seeds, you can't spread them evenly on the cement floor. Soaking seeds for 24 hours, when soaking seeds.

  • Propagation method of Taxus mairei seedlings

    Propagation method of Taxus mairei seedlings

    Taxus is a first-class protected rare plant in China. Paclitaxel extracted from its bark or branches and leaves is a specific drug for the treatment of cancer, which is expensive. At present, many areas are making great efforts to build yew bases, and the yew seedling market is in short supply. Taxus mairei is mainly propagated by seeds. The outer seed coat of its seed is hard and dense, and its physiological post-ripening time is as long as one year. Many seedlings failed because they failed to grasp the seedling characteristics of Taxus chinensis. Based on the practical experience of raising seedlings of Taxus chinensis in recent years, the author puts forward the following measures. First, correctly master

  • How to choose avocado seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose avocado seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    We all know that eating fruit is good for our health, so we can usually buy more fruit to eat. At present, there are still many kinds of fruits on the market. I don't know if you have ever eaten avocado. It can be eaten not only as a vegetable, but also as a fruit.

    2020-11-27 Butter fruits seeds how selection breeding methods what are there
  • How to choose the seeds of Huangqi? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose the seeds of Huangqi? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Codonopsis lanceolata is a kind of ornamental red-leaf tree species, and it is also a good afforestation tree species. Some people will plant it specially for ornamental purposes, so how to choose its seeds on the market at present? What are the methods of raising seedlings? If you want to know more, please take a look at the following! The editor will tell you more about it.

    2020-11-27 Yellowtail seeds how selection breeding methods there are which ones yellowtail
  • Where can I sell paulownia seed? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Where can I sell paulownia seed? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Paulownia seed, also known as oil grape and water wax gourd, is a deciduous tree of the family Cerambycidae and Caulownia. It is a kind of woody oil tree with high quality and high yield, which has high development value. In addition, the tree trunk of paulownia is straight, and the fruit hangs like grapes in clusters, which is dazzling in autumn.

    2020-11-27 Mountain paulownia seed seed where have sell raise seedlings method which mountain
  • Seed breeding of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Seed breeding of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Robinia pseudoacacia is a pioneer tree species in barren mountain afforestation, which has the characteristics of barren tolerance, drought tolerance, fast growth rate, wide use and so on. 1. Nursery land selection and seedling preparation should choose flat topography, good drainage, deep soil layer, fertile neutral sandy loam, and land with irrigation conditions. Vegetable plots should not be selected, and continuous cropping should not be selected. After the nursery land is selected, ploughing will be carried out in autumn with a depth of about 30 cm. Rake fine rakes in early spring and apply 5000 kilograms of rotten barnyard manure per mu. The poisonous soil made from phoxim EC should be applied during soil preparation to control underground pests.

  • How to sow and reproduce flowers?

    How to sow and reproduce flowers?

    Most of the sowing time is in spring and autumn, usually from February to April and from August to October in autumn. Annual flowers are mostly carried out from April to May in spring, and biennial flowers are mostly carried out from August to September in autumn. Most families use pot sowing, and if possible, they can also sow in the open field, on demand or strip sowing, and transplant after emergence.

  • How do potted Little Tomato Seeds grow and bloom

    How do potted Little Tomato Seeds grow and bloom

    Small tomato, this is a lot of people are super like, they can also grow small tomato at home, potted small tomato seeds how to grow? How tall does the baby tomato grow before it blossoms: prepare the seeds, if you can buy organic cherry tomatoes, and not the kind of cherry tomatoes that have been crossed many times.

  • Method and time of raising seedlings of balsam pear

    Method and time of raising seedlings of balsam pear

    The method of raising seedlings of balsam pear: first prepare the nutritious soil, in order to prevent fungal diseases, soak the seeds in carbendazim solution for about 1 hour, then soak in warm water to accelerate germination, control the temperature, ventilate in time, and sow seeds after budding.

    2020-11-08 Balsam pear seedling method and time abstract balsam pear